Sunday, September 22, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water Episode 1 Recap: Twists Aplenty

For this weeks blog post I will breakdown a few key talking points from what looks to be a highly unpredictable and intriguing season 27. Let's jump right in!

1. Vytas is for real

Vytas Baskauskas sits on the beach during episode 1 of survivor blood vs water
No one appears more prepared from day 1
From what I have seen, there is no loved one more suited to win than Vytas.  He carries many of Aras's attributes while appearing as much less a threat.  He is both likable and fit, and has mental toughness to withstand the elements.  We saw him share his drug-addict past with Brad and Ciera - A great example of him opening up to others in order to build trust.  In another very smart move, Vytas agreed to go along with Brad's "man alliance," while also confiding and connecting with the women of the tribe.  He appears to have no enemies, which will pay off big later.

2. This could be Tyson's shot at success

Tyson strikes a happy medium between a threat and weakling.  He's tied for second most experienced with Candice and Tina, but he's never been very successful. Think about it. He's played with such greats as Coach, Parvati, Boston Rob, and Stephen Fishbach (Yes, I do consider him a great).  His tribe already loves him for his ability to make fire. He is very well suited to succeed, especially if the returning players are up numbers at the merge.

3. Brad's game lacks subtlety
Brad Culpepper counts in a confessional during episode 1 of survivor blood vs water

Brad's strategy is remarkably similar to that of Jeremy's this season of Big Brother: All the guys in an alliance to the end.  Just like in Big Brother, this alliance will not last.  Brad is simply enlarging an already huge target on his back. I don't expect him to make the merge.

4. Gervase is the same old guy

Gervase was known in Borneo for needed help to swim, not working hard, and being lovable and sociable. Nothing has changed, other than that he is perhaps less athletic. This could actually work in his favor on a returning players season - that is if he doesn't continue holding his team down in challenges. Luckily, as of now it seems Laura Boneham will be the first voted out of galang, giving Gervase some time to form bonds with his tribemates. Life could be tough for him after the merge though, due to his cockiness in the first challenge.

rupert boneham on redemption island on episode 1 of survivor blood vs water
Sadly, We may not be seeing Rupert for much longer this season
For this season, I will try to keep an updated "Power Rankings" list - This list ranks players based on the strength of their strategic position at the end of the current episode.

Power Rankings Through Episode 1:

1. Tyson
2. Kat
3. Tina
4. Aras
5. Monica
6. Colton
7. Gervase
8. Laura Morett
9. Laura Boneham
john cody cries after leaving candice on episode 1 of survivor blood vs water
Friendly and Low-Key John sits at #3 on Tadhana

1. Vytas
2. Caleb
3. John
4. Hayden
5. Brad
6. Ciera
7. Rachel
8. Katie

Friday, June 7, 2013

Blood vs. Water (Rumored) Cast Breakdown: Rupert Boneham

With the finale of Caramoan far behind us, it's now time to look ahead to one of the most radical twists put into the Survivor format. I am talking about the ominous Season 27: Blood vs. Water. Details have been leaking out since the finale, and no information has been confirmed by the show. Nevertheless, let me break down the rumored cast. We'll begin with an all time great.

Rupert Boneham 

Maybe he plays the non-threat card to advance in the game?
The winner of America's Tribal Council will be playing for a whopping 4th time if he is indeed on this season.  The interesting thing to note with Rupert is that even though he is not regarded as a strategic player, he has finished 4th and 6th in his two all-star seasons. This is quite a feat given the stiff competition he faced in seasons 1 and 8.  

Rupert began his journey in the Pearl Islands, where he led the Drake tribe to early challenge success. He was an excellent spear fisherman, providing food and offering complete tribe loyalty. He entered the merge in a strong alliance, but got blindsided by the tribe because of his challenge ability and likability. He would have won the jury vote, and they know it.

In All-Stars, Rupert joined with Borneo player Jenna Lewis to form an alliance within the Sabogo tribe. At the merge, the two were the sole survivors from their tribe and they joined up with Boston Rob's Chapera alliance. Rupert stood strong with Rob, but they had to cut Rupert loose at 4th place.

In Heroes vs. Villans, Rupert was challenged from day 1 when he broke his toe. Regardless, he contributed in challenges and endeared himself to the Heroes alliance. With Parvati's double idol blindside of J.T., the Heroes alliance was down in numbers to Russell and the Villans. Seen as less threatening than J.T., Amanda, or Danielle, Rupert slid through to sixth place.

"I've tried to show that good will win"
How will he do this time? Well, he may not be the challenge beast he was during Pearl Islands.  Although he was hurt in season 20, he didn't seem to be a threat to younger players. He will, however, be well-liked in his tribe and contribute around camp as always. As long as Rupert doesn't ruffle any feathers or appear to be scheming, he will make the merge. His fatal flow is loyalty. Once in an alliance, he is reluctant to leave it unless he has to.  I hope, for the fans sake, that he stays around to entertain us.

By the way: he's rumored to be playing with his wife Laura, who has appeared on All Stars. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Survivor 27: Blood vs. Water Unofficial Cast Members

Although we haven't heard anything from the show, leaks have indicated the following cast for the next season:

survivor season 27 blood vs water unofficial cast members who are returning players

It's an odd group, but they have the potential to make a very interesting season 27. Over the next few weeks, I will be breaking down the cast and the controversial new format. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Four Week Hiatus

I am highly disappointed to announce that I will be unable to blog about the rest of Survivor Caramoan. I will be traveling and will have limited internet and limited time to write. I will return this summer and post my take the ending to this season. 

For up to date news and recaps, check out the links on the sidebar of this blog. I have listed the very best sources of information and analysis for Survivor Caramaon.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 10 Recap: Dawn's breakdown and Malcolm's fireworks

In what was an even better episode than last week's show, Wednesday's edition of Survivor was as crazy and unexpected as we've ever seen.  This one goes down as an all-time great episode of the show we so love.
Phillip Sheppard and the Favorites strategize during survivor caramoan
hate him or love him, Phil keeps his troops organized

At the beginning of the episode, we are left with more division of alliances. The power three alliance is seemingly completely isolated, being composed of only Malcolm, Eddie, and Reynold.  The Favorites plus Sherri alliance is tighter than ever, having exclusive meetings that are clearly noticeable by the others.  The Favorites are entirely faithful that Reynold, Malcolm, and Eddie will leave next - in that order.  While Reynold and Eddie are almost accepting of their fate, Malcolm knows he's not going home this week. As they should, they hunt for idols. They have good chances, as Malcolm and Reynold seem to know their way around an idol.

brenda lowe competes in a reward challenge in survivor caramoan
Still edible?
The reward challenge is an obstacle course with familiar elements. The key to this challenge was a mud pit, in which each team member had to pull out a bag of balls.  Malcolm and Reynold had a good, proven strategy: pull out every bag and leave them in easily found places for the other contestants. While Reynold does this very quickly, Malcolm takes too long in this process and gets irreversibly behind the the relay race. Malcolm's much younger and stronger team thus looses to the somewhat weaker purple team.  The resort reward looked great, but we see very little from it. It is also important how we don't see much maneuvering with Malcolm back at camp. Staying back at camp during rewards is often the best time to strategize with members of opposing alliances.

reynold toepfer wins individual immunity from jeff probst in survivor caramoan
He's a problem for the Faves

At the immunity challenge, we have a classic from Pearl Islands.  Jeff Probst makes a big deal out of Phillip not competing due to childhood trauma, and I don't blame him. Although he had very little chance of winning, Phillip must try for immunity at this part of the game.  The immunity challenge was again a battle between Reynold and Malcolm. Reynold outlasts Malcolm, perhaps because Malcolm had to swim in two consecutive heats. Reynold's win poses few problems to the Favorites alliance, as they can still go after Malcolm and Eddie. Everything's going to plan for the majority alliance.
malcolm freberg find his second hidden immunity idol during survivor caramaon
Do they even bother to make clues anymore?

Malcolm and friends continue their search for the idol, but this time the other alliance joins in. Unfortunately for Malcolm, Andrea and Dawn are right there with him as he finds the idol.  This is not ideal, but it keeps his three safe for one night.  Andrea reports this to the Phillip and they keep their plan to split votes between Eddie and Malcolm. Questions loom in the audience's mind over how or if Malcolm would pull a Parvati and distribute his idols.

The fireworks take off with surely one of the greatest tribal councils of all time. Everything is calm at the beginning, with everyone expecting the removal of Eddie (including Eddie himself).  When Malcolm pulls out his second idol, all hell brakes loose. No one sees this coming, not even members of Malcolm's alliance.  These are the faces that we see after this happens:

faces of the contestants after malcolm freberg play the hidden immunity idol in survivor caramoan

malcolm freberg plays his second hidden immunity idol at tribal council during survivor caramoan
And the tribal council whispers begin...
Suddenly, the Favorites alliance must find out who to vote for during tribal council. Andrea seems sure to go, while others audibly whisper to one another about voting off Phillip. Several, including Dawn, seem utterly perplexed by the situation sprung on them. This situation is unprecedented. Malcolm rallies everyone to vote Phillip, but only Erik strays from the original plan of the majority alliance. To force both idols out, the other six in the majority vote Eddie and Malcolm. This is not a bad move for them, as they all hope to not vote for Phillip in return for an eventual Jury vote. Malcolm and Eddie smartly play their idols, and the Favorites are stunned. This was utter mayhem, and sweet honey for fans of the show.

dawn meehan scrambles in tribal council during survivor caramoan
Last second decision making
While Phillip is gone, not much has changed for Malcolm's trio yet.  They still have only three alliance members compared to the majority of six.  We know already that both teams will be scouring the trees for new idol as soon as possible, and who knows who could stumble on one. The safe move for the minority is to get two flips from the other alliance to join them. The top candidates are Erik and Sherri. Sherri and Malcolm have a decent relationship, and Erik is well assimilated into the Gota guys alliance already. Making a flip happen will require a great deal of work, but is possible. As for the favorites, keeping tribe loyalty is key. And without the vocal Phillip, who can step up to lead?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 9 Recap: Malcolm scrambles, Dawn snitches

This Wednesday's episode of Survivor reminded me of the glory days of Survivor Micronesia. Opposing alliances begging for votes, sleek deception, and multiple idols in play.  This was one of the best single episodes of Survivor for a long time, and we Survivor fans will continue to remember this one.
malcolm freberg competes in a reward challenge in survivor Caramoan
He can't be comfortable just yet

The vast majority of this episode was devoted to strategy, but let me quickly mention the challenges first. I can't help but think that the reward challenge was poorly designed.  The idea was that the "defender" would act as some kind of goalie, defending the net behind. But after a few tosses, it became clear that contestants could very easily lob the ball over the defender, thus easily gaining a point.  So Malcolm and Mike essentially became obsolete after a few throws. Disappointing, but I respect the production team for trying something new!  I still cannot get over how nearly every challenge this season involves throwing something. I'm pretty sure this is unprecedented, and I can't see how it would hurt to mix it up a little.
Cochran Reynold Mike Eddie and Erik of survivor caramoan win a reward challenge
Has a "guy power" strategy ever worked?

A diverse group of dudes pigged out at a waterfall for winning, and also repelled down the rockface. I couldn't help but laugh at the beaming Cochran as he sloppily scales down the rock face.  As they eat, Eddie, Reynold, and Mike push for a guys alliance.  However, in a confessional, Cochran notes that an appeal to manliness is no way to earn his allegiance.  Erik said very little, and it seems that he's still going to be a pawn of Andrea and Brenda. 

Brenda "Serenity" Lowe looking stellar

The immunity challenge is a classic and one of my favorites. It premiered during Survivor Micronesia, and in spectacular fashion Jason beat the challenge master Ozzy Lusth. Anyway, Brenda kept herself totally calm and destroyed the competition to win an essentially meaningless individual immunity challenge.  

andrea boehlke and dawn meehan talk strategy in survivor caramoan
Dawn plays both sides

Back at Camp, Malcolm hatches his master plan. He believes that he can pull in Dawn and having a voting block of six (Malc, Reynold, Ed, Mike, Erik, and Dawn) to vote for the strategic Andrea Boehlke. Malcolm tells the opposing alliance to split votes between Eddie and Reynold, in which case Andrea's six votes would prevail. The problem for Malcolm arises with Dawn. Malcolm talks about how Dawn would willing to make a big move due to her inaction during South Pacific. But Dawn falsely assures Malcolm while keeping her alliance to Phillip and Andrea.  With Dawn, the Favorites alliance is the majority and they quietly plan to all vote Malcolm.  

eddie fox and andrea boehlke flirt and talk in survivor caramoan
Strategic or real relationship?
Everything goes haywire when Eddie and Andrea consult before the vote. With a potentially budding romance, the two are sharing information (though it seems only a one-way flow). Before the vote, Eddie lets slip that Andrea could be going and she gets nervous about the Malcolm vote. She knows that idols may be involved, and she's nervous that the joke could be on her. The new plan: vote Michael - the safest possible option.

andrea boehlke face in survivor caramoan
Her paranoia pays off
Going into tribal, the audience has no idea what's going down. Phillip and the Favorites give the impression that they could take out Malcolm during Jeff's questioning.  I could tell Malcolm's mind was racing. What comes next was a historic move by Malcolm.  As Reynold walks up to present his idol to Jeff, Malcolm convinces him that it is he that is going. Malcolm play's Reynold's idol but to no avail: Andrea switches the vote to Mike.

I believe Malcolm made the right move. It was highly possible that the favorites could have all voted Malcolm and gotten Andrea booted.  This could have easily happened, in which case it could have been one of the best idol blindsides of all time.  But even though this didn't take place, Malcolm made everyone know that he absolutely doesn't have an idol. Literally no one knows, and when it gets played there are going to be fireworks.

malcolm freberg of survivor caramoan talks about his move and alliance
Like him or not, he's playing to win
Malcolm's counter alliance seems screwed. The only chance is for some big move, resignation, or alliance flip to take place. This is entirely feasible for Malcolm, seeing as he has three days to figure it out. We have a great season on our hands, folks.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Looking back at Survivor Philippines: Who should return?

A well-rounded powerhouse
Survivor Philippines was a great season on so many levels - there was drama, surprises, but most of all great players. In my opinion there was not an undeserving player in that final three. With that being said, who would be fit to return in the future? I would argue that there are many viable candidates.
  • Denise Stapley - Undoubtedly a great winner, Denise was the entire package. Very social and very strategic (and athletic), the only thing that could hold back Denise is her age.  Her shining moment was her cunning decision to cut ties with Malcolm after a game-long alliance with him - this won her the million.  She would do very well if asked again.
  • One of the best villains in quite some time
  • Malcolm Freberg - He of course is playing right now, but I couldn't imagine another All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains season without Malcolm.  On paper, the perfect Survivor: he's a savvy outdoorsman with a charming southern personality and a degree in economic game theory from Dartmouth. He could be (or already is) one of the most popular of all time.
  • Abi-Maria Gomes - She would be perfect as a villain in another Heroes vs. Villans season.  She's downright annoying and sassy, but Abi plays to win and I respect that. She fights in every challenge with a viciousness that is frustrating if you're rooting against her.  She is the perfect woman villain, maybe the best woman villain ever.
  • Killer style
  • Pete Yurkowski - Pete would be another great vilain  His clever play was planting the hidden immunity idol clue in R.C.'s bag. Unfortunately, this move led to the complete implosion of the only tribe in Survivor history to never go to tribal. Pete is both a strategic and athletic competitor and a likable villain personality. He would be fun to watch again.
  • Carter Williams - Sure, he's quiet and can seem to be stuck in a blank stare. But Carter was very likable and a great competitor. He would fit perfectly on a Heroes tribe.
Smart and attractive
  • R.C. Saint Amour - She is charming and strategic almost to a fault. In in interview with Survivor Oz (a great website/podcast), Mike Skupin talks about how intensely strategic R.C. was. This was her downfall, and I'm sure if she will be less overt if she were to play again.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 8 Recap: The Merge, Malcolm's master plan, and a blindside of Corrine

The Gota tribe on a boat to merge with Bikal in episode 8 of Survivor CaramoanWe Survivor fans were blessed with an overall excellent episode 8 of Survivor Caramoan. Tight competitions, cunning strategic maneuvering, and hilarious antics filled this weeks show.  If this show is any indication, we are in for an excellent post-merge game. 

the Merged tribe Enil Edam eat a feast during survivor caramoan episode 8
Too hungry to strategize
The Gotas arrived to a warm embrace by their Bikal counterparts. Everyone seems legitimately happy, especially Malcolm.  He's been waiting to change the game, and now is his chance. But before we get into his strategy, let's acknowledge how awesome it is how Malcolm got the tribe named after his mother (Enil Edam is "Madeline" backwards). This is just brilliant, however pointless it may be.
Corinne Kaplan and Malcolm Freberg of Survivor Caramoan talk during episode 8
Ready for a big move
But Malcolm gets down to business right away, affirming Corinne of their alliance. Malcolm knows that he has Eddie, Reynold, and Erik on his side. Corinne offers Michael.  They believe they have 6 votes, and that they can take control after they take out Sherri at the next vote.  Their only problem is convincing Erik to stay in their voting block. Erik is notoriously susceptible to women based on his experience in Micronesia.  If everything goes according to plan, Malcolm's six will vote Sherri and the rest of the Favorites would go along and vote Sherri as well. 

Reynold Toepfer and Brenda Lowe compete in an eating immunity challenge in Survivor Caramoan
No one is comfortable
We are then treated to an classic immunity challenge from Season 1 (check it out here). The players eat gross native foods and the slowest of each round are eliminated.  No one had it easy in this challenge, with even the very strongest players having trouble swallowing.  Brenda and Reynold had a particularly hard time. Coming out victorious was none other than Cochran, who breezed through this challenge to the surprise of everyone (including Jeff).

John Cochran wins individual immunity with Jeff Probst during Survivor Caramoan
"I think this is exactly what my love life needs"
Cochran is so elated that he does a celebratory dance and gleefully accepts immunity. As Cochran says, if anyone else were to have celebrated like that, they would have raised eyebrows. But since he has never won (and may not ever win again) immunity, it was ok with the tribe. Cochran has always been quite terrible at all challenges, so this dominant performance was certainly a thrill for us Cochran fans. In South Pacific, Cochran came within inches of knocking off Ozzy Lusth in a redemption island duel, but this the closest Cochran every got until now.
Corinne Kaplan Reynold Toepfer and Eddie Fox strategize during Survivor Caramoan
Does she only align with good looking or gay people?
John Cochran and Dawn Meehan talk during survivor caramoan
Telling Dawn = bad move
Strategy is now the priority for everyone, as virtually anything is possible for the next vote. Corinne reassures Reynold and Eddie of their alliance and the brawny fans couldn't be more loyal. Corinne however makes a blunder when telling Dawn. We hear a lot from Dawn in this episode. In a tear filled confessional, she talks about how hard she is trying to win the game for her kids this time around.  The editors gave her a long confessional, where she mentions winning many times - could this be foreshadowing??  She said her mistake in South Pacific was not telling anyone when she heard of Cochran flipping. She kept this to herself and tried to convince Cochran not to do it.  Dawn wants to be more proactive this time around, and so she decides to tell Cochran. Soon enough, the entire group of Favorites know Corinne's plan.

Phillip hears of the plan and immediately Corinne is on the chopping block. But, the Favorites need Sherri and Erik to switch to make this happen. Andrea convinces Erik to flip, and Phillip gets Sherri to vote Corinne as well.  Malcolm and Corinne seem to do very little to reassure Erik to remain in their voting block. They pay the price when their supposed ring leader Corinne goes down.

Malcolm Freberg names his tribe Enil Edam after his mother in survivor Caramoan
Every confessional is a shout-out to mom!
Malcolm had a excellent plan in place, ruined by Corinne's big mouth. But it's not over for Malcolm. In fact, he has many things going for him. Now, no one knows that he has the idol since Corinne's gone. Also, no one knows that this was Malcolm's master plan. Every Favorite thinks that Corinne was running the show, when Malcolm was the real leader.  Next episode, Malcolm will only need one flopper (if Erik is loyal) in order to take control of the game. He is fully capable of this.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 7 Recap: Gota's Dominance, Birth of a game-changing alliance

Michael Snow and Julia Landauer of Survivor Caramoan talk at the Bikal Beach.
Dead Fans walking
Unfortunately, the editors didn't have much to work with on this last episode. With a few exceptions, the dominance of Gota continues the Favorites of Bikal are tasked with eliminating the unlucky fans stuck with them. If anything, the takeaway from this episode was "wait 'til you see what happens next week." From what it seems, we could see Fans and Favorites alliances shattered.

John Cochran and Phillip Sheppard arm wrestle at the Bikal beach in Survivor Caramoan.
At the Bikal Tribe, we are exposed over and over again to the "rift" between Corinne and Phillip.  But while Corinne is most vocal, the rest of the Favorites feel with her. She and Cochran discuss his cocky nature after Phillip claims to be a dominant player when it comes to strength. The fact is, they don't hate each other enough to turn on each other. The Bikal Favorites alliance are very experienced, and know it's the smart move to dispose of the Fans first.

erik reichenbach falls asleep at the Gota reward in Survivor Caramoan
Making up for lost rewards in Micronesia
Over at Gota, spirits are high and only get higher as the episode progresses. They're coming off multiple wins, and are sure that their prowess can continue (if only for one episode). Everyone is comfortable. Except Malcolm.  He's here to win this time.  With the Favorites still having a 4-3 lead over the fans, so Andrea and Brenda feel comfortable. But Malcolm knows that he will be a physical threat at the merge, and he will be targeted instantly.  He approaches Reynold with an idea for a secret sub-alliance withe Reynold, Eddie, Erik, and Malcolm.  Reynold, wary of liar, somehow emphatically believes Malcolm and reveals that he has an idol. Malcolm has two alliances that trust him, and neither of them know he has an idol. This is why Malcolm is one of the game's most popular.

The reward challenge was done before it started. In another challenge dating back to Cook Islands (watch it if you haven't!), Gota's fit team demolished Phillip and the toothless Bikals.  In perhaps the most valuable reward by far, the tribe drank coffee and ate pastries 'til they were sick (Dawn called it a "diarrhea-fest," bitter from losing). Malcolm kisses all his tribe mates and no one second guesses him. 

Reynold Toepfer grapples to win immunity for Gota in Survivor caramoan
Magic touch
At immunity, called "Phoenix Rising," we have a brand new challenge (wooo!).  It was supposed to run during Philippines, but got cancelled due to rain.  Bikal kept up in the rowing portion of the challenge due to their careful steering, but Gota prevailed under the keen throwing hand of Reynold. This season has been unique in its amount of throwing components and lack of puzzles. I don't know if I like this. Puzzles even the playing field in a way that throwing games do not.  A puzzle, for instance, could have given Bikal more of a chance. I'm a big fan of Survivor Gabon, for one because I witnessed underdogs coming out on top with a puzzle. Who could forget Kenny Hoang comes out in the clutch to win immunity with this puzzle performance? I hope they add more puzzles into the mix in the future.

john cochran talks with Phillip sheppard at bikal in Survivor Caramoan
"I threw the challenge"
Bikal takes the predictable, smart route and splits votes between Julia and Matt.  Ultimately it's Julia who goes after failing Phillip's "test." However, the editing hints at an overthrow of Phillip for much of the episode. Corinne vents, and she and Cochran later chuckle at his over-confidence in the reward. Maybe this is a sign of things to come. Matt will be saved by the merge. He's stayed out of the spotlight and fostered ties with Corinne and I hope he stays for a few more episodes. Matt is a rational, smart player, and the game is almost always better when contestants are playing hard to win.

Reynold Toepfer drinks coffee for Gota's reward in survivor caramoan
First Reward
Next week is the merge, and the main story will surely be Malcolm. Certainly Eddie and Reynold will be put on the chopping block by the majority Favorites alliance. Will Malcolm flip and take control of the game? Let's check the numbers. If Malcolm and Erik flipped to join Eddie and Reynold, they'd be four against the other eight. IF they brought in Sherri and Mike, they would have 6 on 6. But Sherri hates Reynold and Mike is tight with Corinne, so that would be unlikely. Another option would be the Big 4, plus Corinne and Mike. This is a real possibility because Corinne loves Malcolm and thinks they are tight.  We're gonna get a show next Wednesday.
Julia landauer voted off of survivor caramoan during episode 7
Codename "Thrilla Vanilla"

Friday, March 22, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 6 Recap: Tribe Swap, The New Power Tribe

With Episode 6, this season has entered a new stage. As expected, the Fans and Favorites mix and the new tribes will take us to the merge.  Let's get into it.

the favorites and malcolm freberg talk in episode 6 of survivor caramoan
Pure harmony
At the very beginning, Gota was still recovering from Brandon's meltdown. Several tribe members are still visually shaken from the confrontation.  The tribe comes together and talks about what happened, and seem to be working very well together. Besides the tension between Phillip and Corinne, the tribe is for the most part a very unified group of 8. They remain a powerhouse even with a switch.

the new tribes gota and bikal after the tribe switch in episode 6 of survivor caramoan
Battle of the Generations
Next we see a switch, done in place of the expected reward challenge.  Players chose teams based on the smashing egg method, and we are left with precarious new tribes. With exceptions of Sherri, Cochran, and Julia, the teams consist of the "Bold and The Beautiful" Gota (according to Cochran) and the older, less-athletic Bikal tribe. However, it seems that both tribes are happy with their members, and Matt comments on how he's happy to be with the Bikal tribe.  Unfortunately, these groupings are quite imbalanced when it comes to any type of physical challenge. Bikal will likely only see success in a communication, puzzle, or eating challenge (which may happen this season according to Jeff Probst's twitter account).

malcolm freberg lies to andrea boehlke in episode 6 of survivor caramoan
"I'm an accomplished liar when it comes to women"
Back at the Gota tribe, the Fans are spilling information left and right. Sherri openly talks of her dislike of Reynold and Eddie with tribemates Brenda and Andrea.  Within an hour, Reynold and Eddie talk to Malcolm and Eric about their feud with Sherri. In the little time we see of Gota, Andrea and Malcolm share information on the dysfunctional Fans and the two solidify plans to eliminate to Fans (likely Reynold first).  In an especially sly move, Malcolm lies to Andrea about not having the idol while it is literally around his wrist.  On the Gota side, the Favorites are still in control for now.

At Bikal, the team seems to be working well together. The Favorites are still very much the dominant force in the team, with Phillip, Dawn, Corinne, and Cochran outnumbering Mike, Matt, and Julia.  But for Phillip, an alliance can never be too big.  While they are making fire, Phillip plants the seeds for later alliance by hinting that he may want to work with her in the future. Julia's open, but a little unsure why Phillip is targeting her. Obviously, the rest of the Fans are upset with Phillip for doing this, but Phil seems to be far from being voted out. There is more pressing business: eliminating the Fans.

new gota tribe including reynold toepfer and erik reichenbach in the immunity challenge in survivor caramoan
Crates? No big deal
We have another throwback challenge that's entitled "Crate Expectations." The Heroes dominated this challenge behind Boston Rob in season 20, and it was another blowout tonight.  The young, strong Gota tribe blew past Bikal from the beginning and never looked back.  While the young Eddie and Erik manhandle the boxes, Philip (who goes back to back for some reason) and Julia struggle to keep up. The Bold and the Beautiful finish their entire staircase before Bikal has one box correctly placed. Blowout.

phillip sheppard michael snow and matt bischoff strategize in survivor caramoan
Can an alliance be too big?
Strategy continues over at Bikal. In typical Phillip fashion, he attempts to lead Matt and Mike into thinking that could soon be admitted into Stealth-R-Us if they obey the commands of the alliance. At a meeting of the Bikal Favorites alliance, Phillip pushes for Julia to go. Mike and Matt act a suppliants to Phillip, and are willing to go with his plan to vote Julia. M and M then convince Julia to vote Dawn, staying loyal to the Specialist.

corinne kaplan and john cochran of survivor caramoan strategize
The quiet strategist lurks
Cochran advocates a change of plans. Thinking strategically, he sees Mike and Matt as a "power couple" who could be dangerous together. Corinne remarks that she is sure that Matt doesn't have the idol, so they could eliminate him without needing to split the votes.  In a surprising conclusion the Favorites alliance all go for Matt after Cochran's proposal. Just like that, the Fan who was best placed strategically last episode is gone in episode 6. Michael and Julia are in grave danger. It would take a big surprise for them them to stay much longer.

I think movement in the Gota tribe could be the next storyline in the game.  Malcolm claims to be loyal to the favorites, but he hides the idol from Andrea when she asks him. There seemed to be some chemistry between Malcolm, Reynold and Eddie based on the little we saw. Malcolm is on good terms with everyone on the dominant tribe in the game.  Could we see a Fan-Favorite alliance. This could be the case next week. I can't wait.
Reynold Toepfer malcolm freberg eddie fox make fire in survivor caramoan
A new power alliance?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 5 Recap: Brandon Hantz's meltdown, Reynold's idol magic

This Wednesday, Survivor fans witnessed one of the most bizarre episodes in Survivor history.  Along with an unprecedented outburst and very real drama, the game just got a whole lot more interesting from a strategic standpoint.

Sherri Biethman of Survivor Caramoan gives a confessional during episode 5
"Muscle is not paying off"
Let's begin with the Fans tribe.  Over at Gota, Reynold and Eddie are preaching a new beginning. Reynold and Eddie talk about how their new tribe will be more unified and able to compete in challenges.  However few, even Reynold, are truly down with a unified group of six. Reynold talks about how he has very little trust in his tribe, recalling how he was essentially blindsided by the decisions to vote off Allie and Hope.  Sherri is disappointed by her tribe, because she wished they hadn't voted of her close ally Laura.  Mike Snow is weary of Reynold who he calls clutch, and poised to go far in the game.  The only member to be totally down with the new tribe seems to be Matt, who is excited to have his friends Sherri and Mike as well as the physical ability of Eddie and Reynold.

Reynold Toepfer finds his second immunity idol during episode 5 of survivor caramoan
"This is how you play Survivor!"
Tension in the Gota tribe was exemplified by the frantic idol searching that was constantly taking place. Mike was especially eager to find it, if only for the reason that Reynold doesn't have it. Sherri also scampers frantically, as her alliance is weakening by the day. Of course, Reynold finds it again and keeps it secret this time.  His teammates have reason to be worried.

The fans have a new pecking order.  Sherri showed an inability to adapt to new tribal alliances, and is now on the outs.  Matt Bischoff is in the best social position, having ties with both former alliances.  Based on the promo for last week featuring talk of Corinne leaving, these fans could win immunity next, which would put them only one player down.

Michael Snow of Survivor Caramoan competes in a reward challenge in episode 5.
Michael fights 'til the end
At the reward challenge, we have yet another very close contest.  The key job was holding up a bag that was being filled with coconuts by the other team.  The Favorites logically chose Brandon, and Phillip, their two heaviest. The Fans chose Mike and Matt - suspect choices for a tribe whose strongest players are Reynold and Eddie.  May I suggest that if Eddie was holding a rope, the Fans could've pulled it out. Reynold throwing the coconuts was a decent decision, because everyone knows he has a magic arm.  The Fans go home with a full barbecue, probably still full from Tata's feast.

brandon hantz and dawn meehan on the beach during the meltdown
"I'm the author of my fate"

Things heat up at Bikal. With very little reason, Brandon Hantz begins getting irritated with Phillip's "Stealth R Us" and his supposedly condescending nature.  After Phillip mentions to Andrea that they should throw the challenge to can Brandon, Brandon hears this information from Andrea.  Brandon proceeds to dump out the rice and the beans, and yells out to Phillip down the beach. "I'm the author of my fate," Brandon declares.  Meanwhile, the tribe scrambles to collect fallen rice and Dawn attempts to calm him.  I can't remember an emotional outburst of this magnitude.

jeff probst holds back brandon hantz during his meltdown in survivor caramoan
Probst cools down the situation
The bizarre situation continues at the immunity challenge, which quickly becomes a public debate moderated by Jeff.  Holding Brandon back from Phillip, Jeff lets Phillip and Brandon air their grievances right in front of the delighted Fans tribe. As Brandon berates Phillip, Dawn and Andrea hold back tears.  Jeff sees the Brandon's state and calls for an immediate tribal council vote on the spot (first time ever) and Brandon leaves before any challenge.  

Suddenly this game got a whole lot more interesting.  We now have numbers 8 Favorites and 6 Fans. And based on the promo, there is most likely either a tribe switch or a merge. Given that a merge at 14 people is very rare, a tribe switch seems the most likely.  This change coud be huge because neither tribe is totally tight.  On the favorites, players like Corinne and Erik are probably on the outs and could jump to form new alliances. At Gota, no one (except Matt) is content with their position.  The season suddenly has huge potential because anything can happen.

fans tribe and reynold toepfer react to brandon hantz leaving Survivor Caramoan
We've got a game on our hands