There is a lot to like about "Fans vs. Favorites 2" so far. Let's start with the Favorites.
Malcolm goes with the flow |
Phillip's comical nicknamed alliance remained alive and well. The so-called "Stealth-R-Us" alliance consists (according to Phillip) Andrea "The Eliminator," Corrine "Dominatrix," Malcolm "The Enforcer," Dawn "True Grit," and Cochran "Intelligencia Atache." The entire alliance seems to be down with the plan, knowing that Phillip is too crazy to every win a jury vote. Phillip openly calls himself "the CEO" to Brandon's face, while labeling Brandon "middle management." Little does Philip know, but Dawn and Cochran are effectively playing both alliances. The opposing group was originally brought together informally by Francesca, and consists of Brandon, Erik, and Brenda. Everyone seems to be going along with Phillip's plan except Brandon, whose mood swings lead him to a verbal assult at Dawn near the beginning of the episode. My bet is the Brandon goes next, and Phillips minions continue to ride the CEO for the time being.
Can I venture to say that the Favorites are going to be a great challenge team in the next few challenges? They have pure strength in Phillip, Malcolm, and Brandon, all-around athleticism in Erik, and great fighters in Andrea, Corrine, and Brenda. Dawn, winner of an individual immunity in South Pacific, is not to shabby for her age.
Reynold tries to play it cool |
The Fans tribe has really gotten interesting. In a poorly planned move, Reynold, Allie, Hope, and Eddie have kept in their "cool kids" alliance. They seem to spend most of their time together, sleeping on the beach together rather than sleeping in the shelter with the other 6. Sherri has masterfully exploited this move and brought together the other six in a loose alliance. She had a couple excellent strategic moves this game. 1.) She realizes that by accepting Shamar, she will earn his vote. She then goes on convince her alliance-mates that Shamar will settle down when he realizes that he is not getting voted out. 2.) In a subtle Boston Rob-like move, she asks who people would like gone. Laura suggest Allie, and Sherri goes along with the move. Sherri has been a subtle leader, manipulating her alliance's decisions without being a strong vocal leader.
I'm intrigued by the play-both-sides strategy exhibited by Matt and Mike. Prior to voting Allie, Matt pondered voting Shamar alongside the "cool" alliance. He heard cases from both sides before making his decision. If this works out for Matt, and he doesn't ruffle any feathers, he may be in a great position later in the game.
In a rare occurrence, Reynold finds the hidden immunity idol without a clue. Unfortunately, Laura spots it and calls him out a tribal council. Reynold plays it cool, threatening to play it but then keeping it for himself. It will be interesting to see how he deals with it. Whether to keep it for himself or donate it to the tribe is a very important decision.
A throne fit for Hercules |
P.S. This is perhaps the best confessional perch I have ever seen: