Thursday, March 7, 2013

Survivor Caramoan Episode 4 Recap: Shamar Leaves, Alliances Implode

shamar thomas of survivor caramoan is medically evacuated
Big man fall hard
Coming into this season, I would not have thought it would get this bad for the fans tribe. For one, the "favorites" tribe was composed of players known for bad decisions over pure audience popularity.  The fans tribe seemed to have legitimately intelligent players. Mike, Matt, Julia, Sherri, and Reynold could all be described as smart, intelligent players.  But it's been incredible to see how momentum has taken its toll on the decimated fans tribe. 

Last night, we saw the last of Shamar.  This was almost inevitable, as he was about to quit anyway.  It is interesting to note, however, that Jeff had visited Shamar earlier in the season while Shamar considered leaving. Some have called Shamar's medical evac a fluke, saying that this was just a move to remove him from the game he was not enjoying. Probst denies this, and I tend to agree, saying that the doctors found that Shamar's vision could've been serious impaired if he remained in his condition. Will Shamar's exit introduce a new era of unity over at Gota? 
andrea boehlke of survivor caramoan confessional episode 4
How does Erik get a nickname?

Over at the favorites tribe, life seems simple and fun.  Phillip has gotten so bored as to give everyone on the tribe a Stealth-R-Us nickname.  Brandon's called "The Conquerer," Erik "The Silent One," and Brenda "Serenity."  This could be a big mistake for Phillip, because everyone knows that a nine person voting alliance is impossible to maintain. We see evidence of this when Andrea complains at the notion of Erik getting a nickname. By giving everyone a nickname, Phillip is essentially neutralizing the people closest to him by implying their their relationship is not secretive and exclusive. Bad move.
reward challenge in survivor caramoan episode 4
Which one is not like the other?

Both challenges were throwbacks from Cook Islands (season 13) with slight differences.  For the reward challenge, they used flat platforms rather than the original cylindrical pillars to transport tribe members across platforms. For immunity, the main difference was that the keys released from the smashed tiles were buoyant, contrary to the sinkable keys from the past.

Two close losses this week were devastating for the Fans this week. The difference for the reward challenge was both the lack of teamwork on the fans and the tentative Laura being transported.  An unfortunate loss, but it's important to remember that immunity matters above all else. At immunity, the main difference was that Sherri missed a tile and had to climb the structure for the second time to retrieve her key.  From then on, the fans were one swimmer behind and not even Reynold's magic throwing arm could save them.

the favorites tribe in survivor caramoan meet native tata for reward episode 3
"No bitching in the jungle"
The reward for the Favorites was a visit by funny little filipino named Tata who is probably the greatest native ever to visit a Survivor campsite. He taught them to cook rice in bamboo and fixed their shelter, but above all entertained the tribe. They danced during the feast, and the little native spend some quality time with the Bikal ladies. (See more pictures at the end of this post)

reynold toepfer and matt bischoff talk in survivor caramoan
Matt suddenly in a power position
Where do the fans go from here? It seems unlikely that they will now form a tightly knit team that works well in challenges and stays strong at the merge. Where we stand now, we have three distinct groups of two.  Sherri and Julia have been on the same page, and will likely vote together. These two have a good connection with another close duo, Mike and Matt.  These two (especially Matt) were the game-changers this week.  Matt was the player that instigated the Laura vote in the first place. He brought in both his original alliance members (Sherri and Julia) as well as the outsiders (Reynold and Eddie) in order to get Laura voted out. 

While the four of Sherri, Julia, Matt, and Mike are close, Reynold and Eddie have shown very little to indicate that they have any tribe loyalty. If things don't turn around, the fans that make the merge could end up joining the different favorites tribe alliances in an attempt to stay around.

I will end this post with Cochran and Malcolm's reactions to meeting Tata:

malcolm freberg of survivor caramoan gollum quotation
"He's like a filipino Golum"
john cochran of survivor caramoan confessional episode 4
"Tata's a married man. But that doesn't impede him from wanting to get his bump and grind on with the women of the favorites tribe"

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